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Related post: necessary to attempt, in every instance, the extraction ; it may be anf*
fered to Erythromycin Stearate 500mg remain, if it cannot be easily removed, and does not incom*
mode the patient.
Prom the nature of gun shot wounds, it is, of coarse, not to be ex*
pected tbdt there can be union by the first intention. A tedious pro*
ecM maat he gone through with before tVve Yie^Wti^ caTi\)^ ^Q^^^m^Vv^^^
The deadened p^rta moet eeparate from t\ie \mii^) ^^xi^ ^^ ^^^oad
1861. Gun-Shot Wounds. Erythromycin-Ratiopharm 500 Mg Filmtabletten 196
must be healed by suppuration and granulation. If an extremity
be the injured part, and the l>one be badly broken, all the loose splinters
must be carefully removed, should it have been decided that amputation
ihouli not bo performed, as they produce a. great -degree of irritation,
and add very much to the danger of the case. If there should be any
considerable bleedbg, which is not a very frequent occurrence, the
Teasel must be tied at once^ The limb should be laid in a splint, a
mild- dressing Erythromycin E.S Ta 400 Mg applied to the wound, and the whole of the limb should
be covered with an cigh teen-tailed bandage. The dressing may consist
of simple cerate or dry lint ; and the accident should, in fact, be man-
aged very much in the same way as a compound fracture.
^ Some linen cloths should be placed under the bandage, and those
sboald, for the first few days, be Itept constantly wet with a Erythromycin Stearate 500mg Tablets lotion of
the acetate of lead or Erythromycin E S 400 Mg Tablets cold water. All military surgeons of the present
day are of opinion that these cold applications are of great service in
preventing the inflammation from becoming excessive, Erythromycin 500 Mg Filmtabl and it is fortun-
ately a remedy that can be obtained under all circumstances^
They are also equUly agreed in condemning the use of tight band-
ages, or any thing that shall compress tl^e limb. It is believed that mor-
tification Erythromycin Stearate 250 Mg has frequently been induced by the improper manner in
which the wound has at first been dressed. The bandages should be
tight enough only to keep the dressings in place, and great allowance
should be made for the swelling that usually comes on. The Erythromycin Es 400 Mg limb
should be placed, if possible, in a position comfortable to the patient,
and be allowed to remain at perfect rest.
In young, robust and healthy persons, when the shock of the acci*
dent has not been irreat, and the system does not seem' depressed by it,
and much blood has not been lost, it will be proper to take some blood
^m the arm, if the pulse be good ; on the contrary, stimulants should
be administered if there be sympton^s of great depression and languor,
and venesection, if done at all, should be deferred until reaction has
taken place. Even when general blood-letting is not admissible, the
application of leeches to the neighborhood of the wound is often highly
nsoful in allaying the inflammation, and Erythromycin Base 500 Mg the same treatment ;nay be
adopted for this purpose as wad recommended when treating of inflam«
Usually, at the expiration of twenty-four hours, swelling and the
other inflammatory symptoms Erythromycin Stearate 500mg Acne come on in the part, accompanied with a
constitutional afi'ection of a febrile character. In cases of fracture, the
cold lotions may still be continued a few days longer; but where the
bone Erythromycin Stearate 500mg In Pregnancy is not broken, the pledget of simple cerate or dry lint, as the
case may be, should be removed, and a mild poultice applied, and in
fact this is the best application in every instance, after supnuration has
It is necessary to administer gentle saline cathartics occasionally, and
to give' opium, if the pain be severe. The diet must be varied accord-
ing to circumstances. During the inflammatory stage, it should consist
wholly of vegetables, and those of the mildest character. But when the
suppurative process is established, the system requires support and ani-
ifial food of a diorestible kind may be allowed.
^ Should morti&catioa take place, notwithBtandmg b\\ \\i^%^ \\^^vql*
Jions, amputation should be performed at once, mt^o\it ^«A\i\\x^^ %& '^^a^'
lormerlj done, for the line of demaroation to te QfAa\>Y\»\i^^ V^X.-^^*^
196 Rigidity Erythromycin Base 500mg Tab of the Os Uteri. Axcel Erythromycin Es 400 Mg ^^^Jt
the dead and living parts. Ton may recollect lliat I stated, when
treating of mortification, that it was not necessary to do this, in those
cases of Erythromycin Ees 400 Mg Tab mortification that came on from accidents..
The suppuration Erythromycin 500mg Filmtab Abb is usually in proportion to the extent and violence
of the injury ; and in cases that are going to terminate favorably, it
gradually diminishes, after the sloughs have separated, the cavity fills
up with 'healthy granulations, and the bone, if it has been fractured,
becomes firmly united.
But gun-shot wounds do not always take so favorable a course; it
Hometimes happens that the secretion of pus is excessive, and that all
the means that are employed for the purpose are of no avail in cheek-
ing it. The consequence is that the system Erythromycin 500 Mg Filmtab becomes enfeebled, the
patient is wasted, hectic fever and night-sweats come on, and a fatal
termination is threatened. It requires great judgment to determine
how long an attempt shall be made to save the limb without putting at
hazard the life of the patient. The state of the limb, as to the extent
of the injury, may aid us somewhat in coming to a decision ; for we
should be much more Much Does Erythromycin Cost Without Insurance ready to amputate, if the limb was so much in«
jured that it could be of but little use to the patient, if he should re-
cover, than if the wound was such, that there was a prospect of restor-
ing the part to its former usefulness.
It frequently happens that a cannon ball carries off a limb, and a
question arises, what is the surgeon to do under such circumstances?
Nearly, if not quite, all army surgeons Erythromycin Stearate Tablets Bp 250mg of the present Erythromycin Base Filmtab 500mg day, would re-
commend immediate amputation of the stump, after reaction has taken
place. In this case you have a clean cut surface, instead of an irregu-
lar contused one, and the stump will consequently h^al much better.
The muscles, from the very nature of the accident, are torn in tiie
most irregular and unequal manner, and the delay of the/ operation en*
dangers the life of the patient.
You will thus perceive that gun-shot, are to be treated ou the saifte
general principles as all other wounds, and that there is no foundation
for the opinion that they have a specific character, which requires a
peculiar mode of treatment. They are merely contused wounds of an
aggravated kind, owing to the velocity of the body by which they are
produced, and their great depth, when compared with their external
opening. There is another circumstance which frequently increases
their severity, and that is, that foreign bodies are often carried in by
the ball, as oleth and other articles of the dress of the individuij who
is wounded. — Boston Medical and Surgical Journal.
Bigidity of the Os XTteri.
A rigid os is, perhaps, one of the most frequent causes of lingering
labor. The paine are regular, Erythromycin Es Ta 400 Mg Myl increase in severity, and reach an inten*
sity that assures all present of a speedy delivery. Examination reveals
a dry, rigid vagina; the os high up, posteriorly, with an opening barely

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ที่ตั้ง:New York
เข้ามาครั้งสุดท้ายเมื่อ:พฤหัสบดี, 5 ธันวาคม 2013, 11:19PM  (3805 วัน 13 ชั่วโมง)